News – collaborative use of ShareLaTeX/Overleaf

Since the beginning of September 2019 an installation of ShareLaTeX/Overleaf is available at → where you may login with your JGU account.

In ShareLaTeX/Overleaf LaTeX source code may be edited online by several users at the same time. The system supports almost all functions of LaTeX, for example inserting pictures, bibliographies and equations.

More information about the system is available here: (in German), and here: (documentation in English).

More news from the Data Center → may be found here.

Linux available in course rooms 3 and 4

Due to an increased demand regarding the availability of Linux computers usable for courses, a Linux operating system (ZDV Linux Desktop), which may be started as an alternative operating system on our course room computers, has now been made available in course rooms 3 and 4.

This has been signposted on the doors of course rooms 3 and 4. Documentations about starting the course room computers using Linux, as well as about shutting down Linux and restarting the computers using Windows, are to be found on the walls of these rooms (in German and English), as well as on the following web site:

In case you are interested in using Linux as an alternative operating system in other course or pool rooms,  please, contact our helpdesk:


Hotline/Helpdesk of the Data Center
Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 21
Tel.: 06131 39-2 63 16
Email | Homepage
Monday until Friday from 9.00 until 18.00
Floor plan

More news from the Data Center → may be found here.