Please note: Some of the links below lead to pages in German, as work on the English version is still in progress. We apologize for the inconvenience.
A JGU account is automatically created for employees of the university - no separate application is necessary.
Students receive the JGU account with their enrolment and only have to
→ activate it once after their first enrolment.
On this page you will find information on how to apply for or renew a JGU account for other groups of people.
If you are a visiting researcher, project staff member or student assistant and have not been issued with a user account, please contact the dean's office of your department or the secretariat of your institution to find out who is responsible for the JGU account. To extend your JGU account, you or your supervisor should also contact one of the JGU account managers at your institution.
...may turn to the check-out counter of the central library to apply for a suitable account.
Members of staff of the university hospital receive their JGU account from the person in charge of accounts of their particular clinic. Please contact the administration of the clinic, the person in charge of its IT or your supervisor.
Institutions that have not yet notified us about a person in charge of accounts may do so by sending an email to → .
- Only JGU accounts for natural and living persons can be created. User accounts such as or are not permitted and will be deactivated and deleted by us. Please contact us directly if you have created such a JGU account in the past and would like to continue using it.
- Due to existing licence agreements, please ensure that the JGU accounts are correctly assigned to the various organisational units (e.g. lecturers, student assistants or guests).
- The allocation of JGU accounts to guests must be in the interest of the university - e.g. in order to be able to work on joint projects. Granting JGU accounts to guests for their own use, without reference to the university, is not permitted.
- First name, last name, date of birth and the personal email address (NEW) must be entered with the correct values.
- Persons who already have a user account as a staff member may not obtain an additional JGU account via this tool.
- Expired user accounts of employees automatically receive the status "guest account", so that a renewal can take place if necessary, provided that the continued use of the JGU account is in the interest of the university.
- Only one JGU account may be created for each person - i.e. not several guest, student. This means that there may not be several guest, student assistant or lecturer accounts for the same person.