Access Linux via SSH

SSH is a network protocol designed to establish secure connections.
In most cases a connection is made to a terminal.
If you want to connect to a server which is only available inside the university network you can use the ssh jump host.

Terminal access

To access your JGU account, enter following command in your terminal:
ssh [username]

Display application with a GUI

To access programs with a graphical user interface, enter the following command in your terminal.
ssh -Y [username]
If you run a program with a GUI (e.g. Firefox), the window is displayed on your local computer.
❗Important: This will use a high amount of bandwidth and may not work correctly when using a slow connection.

From Windows

Terminal access

To access Linux via a windows computer, you need to install Putty. Putty is available as a ZDV-App.

Open Putty:

Enter as Host Name (or IP address): Click on Open.
You will be ask for your university username and password.


Display a GUI Applikation

To display applications with a graphical user interface you need to install the following programs.:
Both programs are available as ZDV-Apps.

First, open Xming. An Xming symbol should appear in your taskbar:

Open Putty:

Enter as Host Name (or IP address):

You need to enable X11 forwarding.

You will find this setting at: Connection/SSH/X11.
Click on Open.
You will be asked for your university username and password.
If you run a program with a GUI (e.g. Firefox), the window is displayed on your local computer.
❗Important: This will use a high amount of bandwidth and may not work correctly when using a slow connection.

Size of home folder

To show the size and available space of your home folder type quota -s into your terminal.
The result is displayed in columns. Look at the column "space" and the first "quota" (second number).
space = Is the used space.
quota = Is the maximum available size of your home folder.

Size of group folder

To show the size and available space of a group folder type this command into your terminal: df -h /"Faculty number"/"Name of group-folder".
Replace "Faculty number" and "Name of group-folder" with your faculty number and the name of the group folder you want to check.
E.g. /, if your want to check the folder test at the biology faculty.