Please note: Some of the links below lead to pages in German, as work on the English version is still in progress. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Students have 15 Gigabyte, members of staff 75 Gigabyte of storage space at their disposal within the so-called home directory - which is your personal storage space at the university. This directory can be accessed from computers within the university as well as from your home or your private notebook - as explained in the following instructions. Also, the data stored in your home directory are automatically and regularly backed up. If you change or delete a file accidentally, then it can easily be restored via the → snapshot function.
The same applies if you log in via remote desktop.
In the following dialogue window, first select any free drive letter.
Enter the following as the folder
\\\username$ or
(depending on which of the two servers fs01 and fs02 your home directory is located on).
→ Here you can find out which server it is for you.
Replace 'username' with your user name.
If your computer is not included in the Windows domain '', e.g. a private PC at home or in the Wlan, please click on Establish connection with other log-in information. A small window will now open in which you enter your (Attention: Even if you are a student, there is no 'students' in your name in this case). The password is the password of your JGU account. Close the window with OK.
If you want your home drive to be automatically reconnected the next time you log on, please tick the box next to "Reconnect on logon".
Now click on Finish. You will now find your home directory under the letter selected above under "Computer".
→ the following documentation. With the following change: the path for the FTP server (within FileZilla this is the field 'Standardordner auf dem Server') has to remain empty. If nothing is entered here, you will automatically be connected to your own home directory after login.