
BigBlueButton (BBB) ​​is a freely accessible open source software for web conferencing. It has been used in digital teaching since the 2020 summer semester and is hosted on the servers of the ZDV at JGU. The software runs with the latest version 2.4.


An overview of the most important questions (FAQs)

BigBlueButton functions at a glance


  • BigBlueButton can be used barrier-free with screen readers. The website offers special BigBlueButton screenreader tutorials. The navigation hints and demonstrations refer to the screen reader NVDA.

Privacy Policy

  • The ZDV operates BigBlueButton for all schools, colleges and universities in Rhineland-Palatinate. A video conferencing system is available to you that meets the current data protection regulations. Because all BigBlueButton instances are operated by the ZDV on servers within the University of Mainz.
  • for the full BBB Privacy Policy

Support structure