
The previous web pages of the e-learning section have been revised and merged with the information on digital teaching at https://digitale-lehre.uni-mainz.de.

Everything about e-exams and Ilias can be found there under Tools > Ilias (https://digitale-lehre.uni-mainz.de/tools/ilias); all information about Moodle can be found under Tools > Moodle (https://digitale-lehre.uni-mainz.de/tools/moodle).

If you have any questions about digital teaching, application-related questions about Moodle or general didactic problems, please contact the Digital Teaching Competence Team: digitale-lehre@uni-mainz.de.
In order to be able to help you efficiently, we need the following information:

  • especially if you are writing from outside (this also applies to the University Medical Center):
    Username of your JGU account
  • Which platform do you have questions about (ILIAS, Moodle)?
  • Link to the page/course where the problem occurs
  • Screenshots/error messages

If you have problems with JOGU-StINe, please contact the JOGU-StINe service: