The ZDV Hotline provides advice on all IT problems that have to do with studying, research and teaching at the University of Mainz. Here you can find our services, opening hours and other contact options.
Consulting offers
The ZDV regularly offers question times and support for various topics and services:
- WLAN consultation hours
- WordPress Question Time
- Linux forum (per BBB)
- Windows Question Time (via Skype)
- Information event IT security (per Teams & BBB)
You can find more information in our overview.
Borrowing Equipment
If you need hardware to be able to use software - you may borrow notebooks or beamers at the Data Center.
Here → you will find more information about borrowing equipment.
Security Issues
→ Protection against viruses and phishing.
More information can be found on our pages:
→ Viruses and worms via email, as well as → phishing mails.