WLAN – Further Information

The Data Center operates two campus-wide wireless LANs in accordance with the 802.11a/b/g/n standard: one with the network name (SSID) Uni-Mainz and one with the network name eduroam. Both are encrypted and provide increased security. Beside these two, there is also the 'Winulum', which is un-encrypted and therefore not recommended for working or surfing.

Further information about the WLAN networks mentioned may be found here:

Prerequisites for use:

  • A JGU account or a JGU account at a college or other instituiton that participates in the eduroam network (for eduroam)
  • A wireless-enabled notebook/netbook or other mobile device.

Students and staff of the university of Mainz usually connect to the network eduroam.

Please note the following:

  • If you are using Windows (10 or an older version), we recommend using the firewall integrated in the operating system. We advise against installing additional firewall software.
  • That no public DNS servers such as and are fixed in the network properties. The DNS server assignment must be configured to "Automatic (DHCP)".

The wireless network called eduroam can also be used by guests from other universities whose home university is part of the eduroam network.
We have described how the connection is set up for various operating systems: Notes on the left in the navigation bar under eduroam.

Problems with the network connection?

If you have problems accessing the wireless network, you can find help in the W-LAN consultation hours at the advice center .

You can find instructions on how to solve the WiFi error "Unable to connect to this network" in Windows here.


There are currently two different types of access points in use:

Type Bandwidth nominal Bandwidth real

802.11a/b/g 54 Mbps 20 Mbps

802.11n 300 Mbps 120 Mbps

A gross bandwidth of 54 Mbit/s is nominally available for 802.11g. Transmission rates of around 20 MBit/s can be achieved. However, they depend on the distance between the station and the access point and the number of stations operated at the same time.

Access Points

In the publicly accessible buildings (libraries, corridors, seminar rooms, lecture halls, etc.), as well as outdoors on the university campus and in Germersheim, there are almost 500 Access Points for wireless LAN access to the campus network.

Number of stations that can be operated simultaneously

An access point can theoretically serve any number of stations. Since the stations share the bandwidth (shared medium), the theoretical transmission speed of 54 Mbit/s at one station drops accordingly.

Cost of internet access

The ZDV does not charge wireless LAN users for its use.

Network access

Access to the network is via dynamic DHCP via a dedicated web server. The computers must be configured appropriately for this.


Very low power, ten times less than a mobile phone, approx. 100 milliwatts (mobile phone = 1 watt)