Course Dates


→ Details about the organisation of our courses




Online course

WiSe 2024/25

Other courses and training events

Courses about High Performance Computing: together with our partners at the → AHRP (Allianz Hochleistungsrechnen Rheinland-Pfalz) the → HPC (High Performance Computing) group in the Data Center offers a number of courses for students and staff of the participating colleges.

Cisco Network Academy Program: within the „Cisco Networking Academy“ the Data Center offers network technician trainings to students of all departments.

Single training events for university staff

→ WordPress: we are offering courses for this web content management system - regularly and as needed. → Course dates and registration for WordPress courses.

Introductions to the topic „Teamweb/Sharepoint“ are offered if requested. Please contact Mr. Rosendahl (