You may also access the Data Center storage space with iPhone oder iPad devices, provided that you have a suitable app installed. In this example we used WebDAVNavigator, but the procedure described here should be usable for other apps along the same lines. We have tested the following apps: OverTheAir (free of charge), iFiles, iStorage HD, GoodReader.
Please note: We don't recommend saving your password on mobile devices. If you leave blank the corresponding field, you will be asked for your password every time you establish the connection. This is somewhat cumbersome but will save you a lot of trouble if you ever lose your device.
Configuring the Server
To establish a connection to the home directory of your unversity account you have to configure a new server. Here the button Bearbeiten is used.
The following settings are needed for the server:
Name (uni-mainz or similar, this is just for your identification of the connection)
Server-Address: →
User name and password of your JGU account.
Save the connection with Sichern.
Accessing the Home or Group Directory
If you select the connection, then you will be shown your home directory below home, below Groups you may access your group directory.