About us

Open Uni Day: Data Center informs about Dual Studies

Ths week the Open Uni Day took place at the Johannes Gutenberg University. Within the Event the Data Center offered three Information Services on the Dual Study Program. Marcus Lunau, whose responsible for the Dual Students at the Data Center and Student Aylin Siebel explained to the interested the advanteges of Dual Studies and what Career opportunities arise as a result.

Around 30 Students were interessted in both Majors, which the development department of the Data Center currently offers. The Participants wanted to know especially the differences between a classical course of study and the course of a dual study, as well as learn about the study contents and the practical parts of  Bachelor's Degree Programm.

Aylin Siebel, who is about to graduate with a Bachelor's Degree and is part of the first class at the Data Center, was able to share valuable experiences and emphasized how important and helpful the practical components at the Data Center are for her studies and later career entry.

The Data Center participated with the topic "Dual Studies" for the first time at the Event. Marcus Lunau was satisfied with the premiere: "We didn't have specific expactations but were positively suprised that the Students purposefully found their way into the Data Center. They had a lot of questions ans we hope that we could inspire some for our Dual Studies."

As of now the Data Center offers two Bachelor Degree Programs in Computer Science: "Buisness Informatics" and "Applied Informatics". The Dual Studies consist of a theoretical Part, which will take place at the Hochschule RheinMain and practical Parts which will take Place at the Data Center.

Learn More

Dual Studys Computer Science

More news from the Data Center → may be found here.

How to find us


Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Anselm-Franz-von-Bentzel-Weg 12
55128 Mainz, Deutschland

©Campus Mainz e.V., CC BY-SA 2.0

The ZDV is located in the building of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. You can also enter the ZDV through the main entrance of the Natural Science Faculty (NatFak) at Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 21.

  • If you are traveling by car, please enter the following address into your navigation system
    Ackermannweg 11, 55128 Mainz. You have a free contingent of 30 hours per year for the campus.

Site plan of the university campus with designated parking spaces

Lageplan Campus mit ausgewiesenen Parkplätzen

A detailed map of the campus can be found on the JGU website: → Campus map

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Opening Hours of the Data Center

The entrances of the natural sciences institute building are open at the following times:
Mo to Fr: 05:00 until 21:00, Sa: 7:30 until 14:00.

 Services  Day          Time          
→ Hotline / Helpdesk (for all kinds of service requests), Phone: 39-26316, Room 00 151 Mo - Fr 09:00 - 18:00
Pool rooms in the natural sciences institute building:
Course room 1 - 4, PC pool on the corridor and in room N33
Mo - Fr 07:00 - 22:30
External pool rooms:
Building 1 141 Philosophicum, room 02 455 (P206)
Building 2 413 Physics/Mathematics/Computer Science, room 03 616 (MI 1) and 03 620 (MI 2)
Building 1 321 NatMed, room 01 222
Mo - Fr 07:00 - 20:30
Building 1 137 Georg Forster Building, course room 01 521 and 01 711 currently closed
Printing and copying room of the Data Center: Room Nr. 00 336 in the natural sciences institute building (for printing and copying in colour and black-and-white) Mo - Fr 08:00 - 21:00
DTP Studio: Room 00 346, telephone office hours, Phone: 39-26344 Mo - Fr 10:00 - 12:00
Administration: Room 00 174 Mo - Fr 09:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 16:00
Service times for the network of Rhineland-Palatinate
Mo - Fr 09:00 - 18:00


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Please note: Some of the links below lead to pages in German, as work on the English version is still in progress. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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AppV: → ZDV-Apps: using software of the university at your workplace

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Campus licence: Software which has been licenced by the university/the Data Center and is therefore without any further cost available at all computers on campus.

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Docuware:a Document Management System for long-term archiving and full text indexing of electronic documents

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E-Learning: electronically facilitated learning → E-learning and e-exams

Eduroam: encrypted → WLAN access via the international educational roaming service for users in research, higher education and further education

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HPC:High Performance Computing

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JGU: Johannes Gutenberg University

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LAMP: A web server environment using → Linux Apache MySQL PHP

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OTRS: Open Technology Real Services' (formerly 'Open Ticket Request System').
an issue tracking system that may be used by all faculties/institutes of the university

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Panopto: → Streaming-Video-Server for video recordings of any kind, for example recordings of lectures and conferences

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Service terminal: a publicly accessible device where you can book assets from your canteen card (Mensakarte) to your print/copy account, where you can assign an IC card to your print/copy account, set its respective PIN as well as re-book assets from your print/copy account to your canteen card (Mensakarte)  → Service terminal locations; → Documentation service terminals

Sympa:Mailinglist service of the Data Center

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TSM: Tivoli Storage Manager. a tool for data backup and incremental backups. -> Data backup via Tivoli Storage Manager

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VPN: Virtual Private Network. Net access from outside of campus for using all services that are only available to members of the university → net access from outside of campus

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Webdav: a protocol for accessing your personal home directory or a group directory from outside of the campus network. → instructions for using it with various operating systems

Winulum:unencrypted WLAN in support of teaching at the university of Mainz

WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network Access via → Wireless Network Uni Mainz, → eduroam, → Winulum

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ZDV: the → Data Center of Johannes Gutenberg University

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ZDV Hotline

How to reach us?

The ZDV Hotline advises on all IT problems that have to do with research, teaching and studying at the University of Mainz. It is located in Room 00 151 next to the DTP studio on the ground floor of the Faculty of Natural Sciences (NatFak), Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 21.

Service times: Monday to Friday from 9 am - 6 pm:

  • by email to hotline@zdv.uni-mainz.de ( if possible, please choose this variant). Please use your JGU account for this. So that we can help you quickly, please include as much information as possible in your email - operating system, programs used and error messages are important information that we would otherwise have to ask for separately.
  • by telephone: within JGU: 2 63 16 otherwise: +49 6131 39 26316
  • on site in room 00 151 on the ground floor of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, see also → the room plan.

Our services on site:

  • Pick up and pay for ordered posters.
  • Borrow projector (staff).
  • Order business card printing, binding and lamination.
  • Binding orders for diploma theses, seminar papers
    • will only be processed Monday to Friday between eleven and twelve
    • Works that are handed in for binding by 6 pm in the afternoon can be picked up the next day from noon.

Current disruptions

Current disruptions and planned maintenance work are reported or announced in the Service status of the ZDV.

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Floor Plan of the Data Center

Please note: Some of the links below lead to pages in German, as work on the English version is still in progress. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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Help and Service

The ZDV Hotline provides advice on all IT problems that have to do with studying, research and teaching at the University of Mainz. Here you can find our services, opening hours and other contact options.

Consulting offers

The ZDV regularly offers question times and support for various topics and services:

  • WLAN consultation hours
  • WordPress Question Time
  • Linux forum (per BBB)
  • Windows Question Time (via Skype)
  • Information event IT security (per Teams & BBB)

You can find more information in our overview.

Borrowing Equipment

If you need hardware to be able to use software -  you may borrow notebooks or beamers at the Data Center.

Here → you will find more information about borrowing equipment.

Security Issues

Protection against viruses and phishing.
More information can be found on our pages:
Viruses and worms via email, as well as → phishing mails.

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Regulations for Use of the Data Center

Usage of the Facilities

Usage of the Data Center’s facilities requires the possession of a valid permission of usage according to the access regulations of the Data Center. The Data Center’s facilities may only be used in a legally correct manner. We specifically point out that the following behaviors in particular are a punishable offense under the criminal code:

  1. Spying out passwords, spying out data (§202 a StGB),
  2. Unauthorized changing, deleting, or suppressing data or rendering data unusable (§303 a StGB),
  3. Computer sabotage (§303 b StGB) and computer fraud (§263 a StGB),
  4. Distribution of propaganda material of unconstitutional organizations (§86 StGB) or racist ideas (§131 StGB),
  5. Distribution and acquisition of documents with pornographic content (§184 par. 3 and par. 5 StGB),
  6. Acquisition or possession of documents with child pornography (§184 par. 5 StGB),
  7. Offences like insult and libel (§§ 185 ff StGB).

Next to these, charges of civil law, copyright or any other kind can emerge against the holder of rights of use.
The ZDV reserves the right to initiate criminal steps as well as civil claims (see 4: Obligations of the Holders of the Rights of Use).


Holders of rights of use are obligated to

  1. not pass their personal access data (passwords, other processes) on to third parties, neither deliberately nor negligently.
  2. acknowledge the terms of a licence, shown online or on documentation, regarding software, data, and documents and to observe the terms and conditions; to neither copy or share nor use especially software, documentation, and data for other than the permitted purposes, especially not for commercial purposes, without explicit permission.
  3. coordinate plans of editing personal data with the system manager in advance. Obligations that arise from the regulations of the data privacy act remain unaffected.


Holders of rights of use are liable for:

  1. all actions carried out under their user ID, including actions by third parties if access was made possible by negligence that is.
  2. culpably caused damages to the Data Center’s facilities as well as to devices, data media or other equipment of the Data Center.
  3. culpably caused losses of or changes on third parties’ data.
  4. culpably caused interruption of operations to third parties if it caused any damages.
  5. damages due to violation of the legal regulation and the terms of this usage regulation.

Obligations of the Holders of Rights of Use

Holders of rights of use are prohibited to

  1. make interventions to the hardware installation,
  2. change the configuration of the operation systems or the network

without consent of the ZDV.

Special permission is required when connecting alien machines. Installing and using private software on the work stations of the Data Center is only permitted observing the regulations of licence right and if no changes are necessary or being made to the system properties.

Connecting USB flash drives is permitted within the above mentioned restrictions.

Usage of Equipment

Holders of rights of usage are required to make sure that equipment (work spaces, CPU capacity, disk storage space, interconnect capacitance, peripheral devices, and other equipment) is handled in a responsible and economically reasonable manner.

Equipment in Classrooms

Devices in the classrooms are primarily for education purposes and secondarily for independent work (including so called freies Üben (‘free practice’)). They are reserved for course participants during class periods marked on the time table. Other users are not permitted during these times.

Food and Drinks

Food and drinks are not permitted in those classrooms open to public use. Work spaces and other tables are to be cleared after use and books etc. are to be put back into the shelves. Please be considerate of other users during necessary conversations. Reserving devices is not permitted. Work spaces may only be left occupied for short breaks and have to be vacated otherwise.

Usage of Peripheral Equipment

When using peripheral devices, the following rules have to be obeyed:

  1. The staff is usually responsible for changing paper, ink, or toner.
  2. Please report any malfunctions to the hotline.
  3. Instructions of the Data Center’s staff as well as notifications on the boards must be followed.
  4. Fees can be set in separate regulations for use of the ZDV facilities.
  5. Additional or different regulations of usage can be set for certain systems if necessary.

Access and usage regulations of the ZDV, decided by the management on 7.21.98

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Data Center – About Us


The ZDV is located at the Faculty of Natural Sciences ©Campus Mainz e.V., CC BY-SA 2.0

The Data Center (Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung, ZDV) is a scientific institution of Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) Mainz and, with its 90 members of staff (incl.student/research assistants), a central IT service provider for all departments and institutions of the university.

Our services

The campus network is the foundation for access to the IT services of the Data Center, with more than 10.000 connectors and about 500 Wireless LAN access points. The basic services of the Data Center comprise hard- and software acquisition, the appropriation of central file services and their backup, mail- and calendar-services, operating numerous servers, web hosting including the operation of a central web-based content management system, voice-over-IP telephony, appropriation of public printers and copiers, support for the organisation of conferences, as well as operating the locking system of the university.

Courses, Workshops, Support

The Data Center looks after more than 7.000 workplace computers on campus, including their acquisition, installation, application management, as well as their on-site support. Support for our users is supplemented by numerous offers of courses and workshops about current software topics. Contacts in case of problems are available via the hotline during core working hours, as well as full-time via the ticketing system.

Pool Rooms, Printers

The Data Center provides 19 pool rooms, where 582 publicly accessible desktop computers are set up. The software used may be self-administrated via ZDV-Apps and usually printers are also provided withiin the pool rooms.


In Germany the Data Center is a leading institution for the implementation of e-assessment, for which the JGU uses the open-source platform Ilias exclusively - which, for this purpose, is constantly being adapted to the needs of the authors of e-exams. At the JGU since the winter semester 2004 - 2005 almost 300.000 students have been electronically assessed. The Data Center currently supports the in-house development Reader with its direct connection to JOGUStINe, the open-source system Moodle and the platform Panopto for video recordings of lectures.

Software Systems

Within its administration department the university is applying several software systems. The central system is the integrated administrational software (IVS), which consists of the finance administration software MACH, the student administration software CampusNet, the facility management software Planon and the Data Warehouse Cognos, all of which are operated by the IT services of the administration department within the Data Center. Currently the Data Center is introducing an Identitiy Management System, which will be the base of concatenation of the IT services at the JGU and – in conjunction with a workflow system - the base for fully digital administrative processes.

Scientific Computing

The Data Center supports scientific computing as a full member of the German Gauss Alliance by operating the high-performance computers MOGON I and MOGON II, and also by providing computational scientists for the departments of computer science, chemistry, physics and biology, who support our users concerning all questions about high-performance computing (HPC) and the optimization of HPC applications. Scientific contributions concerning the subjects of HPC and storage systems will be developed by the research group Efficient Computing and Storage in various projects sponsored by the DFG, the BMBF, industry or the EU, together with our partners worldwide.

The Data Center engages in Rhineland-Palatinate by operating the scientific network WiN-RP, and as an operating location of the alliance of computer centers in Rhineland-Palatinate: RARP.
The WiN-RP network connects all universities, colleges and their affiliated institutes via a 500 kilometre long 40 GBit/s dark fibre ring using MLPS technology with the internet node DE-CIX in Frankfurt, where there are peerings with more than 200 interchange points. Optical stub lines, as well as more than 25 radio relay routes in licensed frequency bands, serve as tributaries to this backbone.
The RARP serves as an exchange platform for universities and colleges of the federal state, where central cloud services can be offered and used. Within the RARP the Data Center operates the sync-and-share platform Seafile, a Gitlab instance, as well as email and calendar services, server hosting and backup services for the high schools and colleges of the federal state.

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