
Home Directory: On Which Server Is It?

If you do not know on which one of the two servers fs01 or fs02 your home is located, you can obtain this information in the following way:

Follow this link to the → self-administration web pages for your JGU account. Enter your JGU account name and its password.

Within the left-hand navigation, click on Benutzerkonto (in the English user interface it is called User account).

Listed beside  'Heimverzeichnis/Home directory' you will find the information about the server name, formatted like this: \fs01\youraccoutname$ ​or \fs02\youraccoutname$.

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Home Directory: Your Personal Storage Space

Please note: Some of the links below lead to pages in German, as work on the English version is still in progress. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Students have 15 Gigabyte, members of staff 75 Gigabyte of storage space at their disposal within the so-called home directory - which is your personal storage space at the university. This directory can be accessed from computers within the university as well as from your home or your private notebook - as explained in the following instructions. Also, the data stored in your home directory are automatically and regularly backed up. If you change or delete a file accidentally, then it can easily be restored via the → snapshot function.

If you log in at a computer on campus - for example: within the pool rooms of the Data Center - with your JGU account, then you personal home directory will automatically be listed under 'Computer'/'Dieser PC' (in ealier Windows versions: 'Arbeitsplatz') as a drive. The drive is named with you accout name and will usually be listed under the drive letter U:
The same applies if you log in via remote desktop.
If the home directory is not automatically listed as a drive you may add it manually. The same applies if you are not working from a PC at the university of Mainz, but are connected to the internet via an external provider. In that case you must first log in to the → Virtual Private Network (VPN) of the university before you can connect the personal home directory as a drive. Log in to VPN with your user name and the corresponding password. Alternatively (and this is a bit simpler), you may use a connection via WebDAV (please see below).
Open the file explorer (Windows key + E) and select "This PC" in the left navigation. Then click on Connect network drive in the toolbar at the top.

In the following dialogue window, first select any free drive letter.


Enter the following as the folder

\\\username$ or


(depending on which of the two servers fs01 and fs02 your home directory is located on).

→ Here you can find out which server it is for you.

Replace 'username' with your user name.

If your computer is not included in the Windows domain '', e.g. a private PC at home or in the Wlan, please click on Establish connection with other log-in information. A small window will now open in which you enter your (Attention: Even if you are a student, there is no 'students' in your name in this case). The password is the password of your JGU account. Close the window with OK.

If you want your home drive to be automatically reconnected the next time you log on, please tick the box next to "Reconnect on logon".

Now click on Finish. You will now find your home directory under the letter selected above under "Computer".

By using the Webdav protocol you may very easily access the files in your home directory via an internet connection. Instructions on how to do this for various operating systems and devices may be found on our → information pages about Webdav.
Access to your own home directory may also be established via FTP according to

→ the following documentation. With the following change: the path for the FTP server (within FileZilla this is the field 'Standardordner auf dem Server') has to remain empty. If nothing is entered here, you will automatically be connected to your own home directory after login.

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Account: Upload/change user images

Every holder of a JGU account of the University of Mainz has the possibility to upload images for various purposes within their own JGU account.

  1. Account picture that appears in various applications (e.g. Skype for Business, Outlook, MS Teams).
  2. ID picture required for the digital ID card. Currently, this can be accessed in the JGU app.

The following guidelines apply to the upload of images:

        • Image size: 200x200 Pixel
        • Format: JPG (other formats are not supported)

Upload account picture / ID picture

  1. In order to upload an image, you must log in with your user data at Now click on My JGU account in the left-hand menu column.
  2. Then click on Upload new picture at JGU account picture or ID picture. You can now upload a picture.
  3. Click Save to finish. The JGU account picture will be added to your Uniaccount data. The ID picture will appear on your digital ID card in the JGU app.

Change account picture / ID picture

  1. To change your user picture, you must log in with your user data at Now click on My JGU account in the left-hand menu column.
  2. Then click on Upload new picture at JGU account picture or passport picture. Now you can either delete your previous picture or simply upload a new one.
  3. Uploading and saving a new image overwrites the previous image.
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Account: Change of Password

You can change the password of your JGU account at the user account self management site. The change will be made via an encrypted connection to the server at the Data Center. Alternatively the change may be made at computer terminals in the Data Center.

→ Change or reset password

Password conditions and restrictions:

For the login, the password must basically meet the following conditions:

  • The new password should contain at least 12 characters and three of the following four categories:
    • Capital letters (A..Z)
    • Lowercase letters (a..z)
    • Numbers (0..9)
    • Special characters (! "$% & / () =? + * # -.,;: _)
  • Your password must not contain your last name, first name, user name (account name) or any part thereof.
  • Do not use any of your previous passwords.
  • Avoid:
    • §, ä, ö, ü, ß, Ä, Ö, Ü, because these characters are not available on all keyboards*.
    • y, Y, z or Z, as these characters are in different places on English and German keyboards. This can cause problems if the computer unexpectedly loads an English / German keyboard layout.
* Note: If possible, do not use any third-party or public computers to log in with your university password.

Additional security check for new passwords and password changes

Since January 2021, an additional security check has been carried out with the database for each new password and each password change. This collects the hashes of the passwords* from password databases that are circulating on the Internet and checks whether the selected password was published in the event of a previous data leak. If so, you will be notified:
  • JGU account page: You will receive a message that the password you entered was part of a data breach and must not be used.
  • When changing the password under Windows using the key combination CTRL + Alt + Del or In such a case, Ctrl + Alt + Del "Change password" appears that the password does not meet the complexity rules. A more specific message cannot be displayed as the ZDV has no way of adapting it.
To ensure that the hashes of the passwords* are not passed on to a third party or website, the entire database was copied directly from the provider and has been running on ZDV's own server since then.
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Account: Application or renewal

Please note: Some of the links below lead to pages in German, as work on the English version is still in progress. We apologize for the inconvenience.

A JGU account is automatically created for employees of the university - no separate application is necessary.

Students receive the JGU account with their enrolment and only have to
activate it once after their first enrolment.


On this page you will find information on how to apply for or renew a JGU account for other groups of people.

If you are a visiting researcher, project staff member or student assistant and have not been issued with a user account, please contact the dean's office of your department or the secretariat of your institution to find out who is responsible for the JGU account. To extend your JGU account, you or your supervisor should also contact one of the JGU account managers at your institution.

...may turn to the check-out counter of the central library to apply for a suitable account.

The university library account for external users only serves for printing within the university library and has no further privileges, i.e. you cannot use it for emailing, login at the Data Center, using terminal servers, VPN, WLAN etc.

Members of staff of the university hospital receive their JGU account from the person in charge of accounts of their particular clinic. Please contact the administration of the clinic, the person in charge of its IT or your supervisor.

Institutions that have not yet notified us about a person in charge of accounts may do so by sending an email to → .

At this time we are sorry to say that we cannot hand out any new accounts to members of staff of a training hospital of the university of Mainz. If you have any enquiries about that, please ask the → department of legal matters of the university.
Accounts for members of staff of all external institutions are administrated by the institution itself - please turn to the secretariat or the person in charge of IT at the institution that you are a member of. If need be, you may ask at → which procedure applies at your institution. You will get access, but these accounts do not include an own, personal homepage.
  • Only JGU accounts for natural and living persons can be created. User accounts such as or are not permitted and will be deactivated and deleted by us. Please contact us directly if you have created such a JGU account in the past and would like to continue using it.
  • Due to existing licence agreements, please ensure that the JGU accounts are correctly assigned to the various organisational units (e.g. lecturers, student assistants or guests).
  • The allocation of JGU accounts to guests must be in the interest of the university - e.g. in order to be able to work on joint projects. Granting JGU accounts to guests for their own use, without reference to the university, is not permitted.
  • First name, last name, date of birth and the personal email address (NEW) must be entered with the correct values.
  • Persons who already have a user account as a staff member may not obtain an additional JGU account via this tool.
  • Expired user accounts of employees automatically receive the status "guest account", so that a renewal can take place if necessary, provided that the continued use of the JGU account is in the interest of the university.
  • Only one JGU account may be created for each person - i.e. not several guest, student. This means that there may not be several guest, student assistant or lecturer accounts for the same person.
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For students: Activate JGU account after first enrolment

After your initial enrolment, you must activate your JGU account once.
The following process must be followed:

Step 1: After your enrollment, you will receive an individual link and an activation code via email to your private email address.

Step 2: During the JGU account activation, you define your personal password. Information on secure passwords can be found here:

Step 3: You will be told the user name of your JGU account. This will be sent to you by email.

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JGU account

Please note: Some of the links below lead to pages in German, as work on the English version is still in progress. We apologize for the inconvenience.

You must have a personal JGU account in order to use most of the services of the ZDV. With the username and password you identify yourself for the JGU account.




  • A JGU account is automatically created for employees

Students: Activate JGU account

External: Apply for a JGU account

  • Visiting researchers, project staff and student assistants, external users in the University Library, staff in the University Medical Center and external institutions must apply for a JGU account.

Manage your JGU account yourself

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