
Account: Forgotten Password

If you have forgotten your password, logging in to many services and applications is no longer possible. We will explain to you how to proceed.

Visiting scientists, project staff and Student assistants.

If you have forgotten your password, contact your supervisor or one of the JGU account managers at your institution.

Students and Doctoral candidates

If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it.
  1. Click on:
  2. Enter your username and private email address.
  3. You will need to provide one additional characteristic for identification purposes: Your matriculation or registration number.
  4. Click on submit.
  5. You will receive an email to your private email with a link. Click on it to create your new password. The link is valid for a maximum of 60 minutes.
  6. You will be taken to a web page where you can create your new password. Enter your date of birth and your new password. Repeat the new password and click Save.
  7. After you create a new password, you will receive a confirmation email.


  • If you still have a PUK from the old procedure, you can use it to reset your password via the page
  • If you have forgotten your password and do not have a PUK, you can apply for a PUK at the circulation desk of the Central Library during the respective opening hours.
  • To do so, bring your official photo ID (ID card or passport) and have the user name of your JGU account ready. The new PUK will be given to you there immediately.
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