Over the last few months, the Data Center (ZDV) has migrated successively a number of services and applications of the university to the authentication method Single Sign On (SSO).
This method makes it possible to use different applications with only one registration. For example the WordPress backend was adapted during 2022. In the coming weeks and months more services will be intergrated in the above-mentioned procedure: in January, the central learning system ILIAS. The aim is to migrate all applications used at the University of Mainz to SSO.
Many JGU-Members are already familiar with the login interface from the work-time tracking system (Gisbo) or the Webmail (OWA: Outlook Web Access).

Save Time with Single Sign On
You are going to register yourself once persession with the username and password of your JGU-Accounts. Following that, you can access all services without having to additionally sign up each time. Provided that you are entitled, and the services have been converted.
Single Sign On is safe
SSO is operated centrally from the ZDV and the processing of your registration data (username and password) is processed centrally on a secured system. The application in which you use Single Sign On to register does not come in posession of your personal password.
ZDV operated computers on campus use automatically your username and password the next time you log in. Like this, you can access your desired application without further information. If you close the browser window (e.g.) Fireforx) you will be automatically logged out.
On all other devices (including work devices) that you use at home, you must log in via SSO again.
More Information
More news from the Data Center → may be found here.