Prices for Printouts and Copies on Public Devices Will Be Adjusted

Despite significant increases in the price of paper, toner and maintenance of the printing and copying machines, prices for the ZDV's printing and copying services at the University have not been increased in the last 4 years.

As of January 1, 2023, the prices for printouts and copies at public printers need to be adjusted. The new prices only apply to the devices that can be operated with institute cards and /or individual print- and copy-cards.

Future prices from the first page

Black/white4 Cent 8 Cent 1 Cent
Color18 Cent 36 Cent 1 Cent

There are also new prices for poster printing. On our ZDV website, you will find a complete price verview: Preise für Drucken und Kopieren | Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung ( (german only)

More news from the Data Center → may be found here.