Data Center supports final exams for Ukrainian refugees with technical infrastructure

In the past weeks 456 Students from Ukraine participated in digital exams which are obligatory for studies at a Ukrainian university. Together with the Center of Scientific Education (ZWW) the Data Center prepared  the framework for the exams, which are comparable to the German "Abitur".

For the E-exams the Data Center provided the E-exam-Rooms N33 in the faculty of natural sciences and the KISS on the Kisselberg. Both rooms offered enough computer seats to complete the exams on four consecutive days.

Already in advance established the Data Center participating accounts and created the possibility to download the necessary documents from the Ukrainian examsystem.

Dr. Stefan Röhle, the leader of the E-Learning area at the Data Center explains in retrospect: "Although some things naturally ran differently than usual, we were very well prepared for these exams. We offer electrical exams already for 20 years at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, so that the supply of our infrastructure, the planing and execution went smoothly. We were lucky, that the exams took place in June and with that before the main exam phase of the Summersemester, because of that we could provide enough free rooms."

More news from the Data Center → may be found here.