Media Technology

The staff of the area Media Technology provides media technology for (teaching) events and assists in the acquisition, operation, maintenance, repair and upkeep of the equipment. They take care of all centrally managed lecture halls, the rooms of the central administration and the ZDV.

Media Technology for Events

If you are planning an event, we will be happy to advise you in advance and instruct you on the media technology in the event room.

Contact person: Andreas Brückel, Peter Kraft and Markus Ewen

Phone: +49 6131 39 28245

Roomoverview and Equipment

Building Room Roomnumber Media Technology 
Alte Mensa (Aulagebäude/Mensa I) Linke Aula 00-142 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Alte Mensa (Aulagebäude/Mensa I) Audi max 00-151 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Alte Mensa (Aulagebäude/Mensa I) Atrium maximum 00-156 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Alte Mensa (Aulagebäude/Mensa I) HS 11 00-232 Beamer, Soundsystem and Microphone
Antropologie ANT -1-131 Two beamers, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and  Microphone
Ausstellungs-Pavillion Infobox 00-001 Beamer, HDMI connection and Soundsystem
Chemie (Schulz-Horner-Gebäude) C 01 00-319 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Chemie (Schulz-Horner-Gebäude) C 02 00-311 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Chemie (Schulz-Horner-Gebäude) C 03 00-315 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Forum 7 (Hauptgebäude) HS 10 00-715 Beamer
Forum 7 (Hauptgebäude) HS 13 01-716 Beamer, Soundsystem and Microphone
Georg-Forster-Gebäude (Sowi) PC-Pool 01-521 100 Inch Display on Rollcart HDMI connection
Georg-Forster-Gebäude (Sowi) PC-Pool 01-711 100 Inch Display on Rollcart HDMI connection
Institut für Physik/Mathematik/Informatik MI 1 03-616 Beamer
Institut für Physik/Mathematik/Informatik MI 2 03-620 Beamer
Kernphysik HS KPH 00-200 Beamer and HDMI connection
Kisselberg KISS 00-241 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Muschel (Naturwissenschaftliches Hörsaalgebäude) N 1 00-521 Beamer, HDMI and USB-C connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Muschel (Naturwissenschaftliches Hörsaalgebäude) N 2 00-512 Beamer, HDMI and USB-C connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Muschel (Naturwissenschaftliches Hörsaalgebäude) N 3 00-511 Beamer, HDMI and USB-C connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
NatMed HS 18 01-212 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
NatMed HS 19 01-422 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
NatFak Hauptgebäude KR 1 - KR 4 00-449, 00-451, 00-334, 00-332 Beamer, HDMI connection and Soundystem
NatFak Hauptgebäude N 25 -1-421 Beamer and HDMI connection
NatFak Hauptgebäude N 33 00-445 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
NatFak Hauptgebäude N 6 00-421 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
NatFak Hauptgebäude Senatssaal 07-232 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Philosophicum P 1 00-312 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Philosophicum P 2 00-141 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Philosophicum P 3 00-151 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Philosophicum P 4 00-171 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Philosophicum P 5 00-181 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Philosophicum P 10 00-441 Beamer, Soundsystem and Microphone
Philosophicum P 11 00-461 Beamer, Soundsystem and Microphone
Philosophicum P 204 02-431 Beamer, Soundsystem and Microphone
Philosophicum P 206 2-455 Beamer, Soundsystem and Microphone
Physikalische Chemie, Bau J HS 20 00-131 Beamer, Soundsystem and Microphone
Physikalische Chemie, Bau I-West HS 21 01-171 Beamer
ReWi I (Haus Recht und Wirtschaft I) RW 1 00-125 Beamer, HDMI connection, Soundsystem and Microphone
Sport Hörsaalgebäude S 1 00-212 Beamer, HDMI and USB-C connection, Soundsystem and Microphone

Instruction/Training in Media Technology

We will show you how to operate the individual devices during an on-site briefing. The briefing lasts half an hour. If required, please contact us directly.

Contact person: Andreas Brückel and Peter Kraft

Phone: +49 6131 39 28245
Email: medientechnik@uni-mainz

Purchase of New Media Technology

We advise you on the purchase of new media technology in the context of new buildings, renovations and modernizations of your premises. Based on current developments and defined media technology standards, we support you in your planning. The purchase is made directly by you.

Contact person: Jürgen Rein

Phone:+49 6131 39 26311

Hybrid Events

Lecture rooms with enhanced video and audio technology are available for hybrid courses. All rooms with this equipment are equipped in such a way that external parties can be connected to the room as participants in discussions or as spectators.

We are responsible for the technical support of the rooms and are also there for you in the event of faults.Lecture rooms with enhanced video and audio technology are available for hybrid

Contact person: Andreas Brückel, Peter Kraft and Markus Ewen

The LeViA fault message can only be used by persons with employee status (account = MA):

Phone: +49 6131 39 28245

Equipment and Important Notes

The equipment includes as standard:

  • A camera, which can be directed in such a way that the entire group of participants or only the speaker can be recorded.
  • (depending on the size of the room and the acoustics) two to four room microphones that can record contributions from the entire room in uniformly good quality.
  • Two speakers for playback of media or external input
  • A touch display (approximately 86 inches in size) with a wall mount or on a mobile stand, depending on the room situation. The display can be used as a whiteboard with its own software. The software can be opened via the "burger menu" on the right and left of the display.
  • A technology cabinet with a control panel for selecting the screen sources (your own laptop or integrated computer) and for selecting the camera position.
  • An integrated computer (included in the technology cabinet) with JGU standard installation, which can be used for existing video conferencing solutions (BigBlueButton via browser, MS Teams) as well as presentations or other programs.
  • An USB-C port for connecting the LeViA technology to an (own) external device. This is preferable to the connection via HDMI + USB-A.
  • Mobile equipment (to be borrowed from the caretaker, depending on the location):
    • Wireless keyboard to operate the built-in computer.
    • Screen pen for touch display
    • HDMI cable.

Possible Scenarios and Important Notes

Scenario 1: The speakers are in focus. The camera is directed at what is happening on and around the whiteboard and touch display. The camera perspective allows the recording of lecture-oriented teaching and learning scenarios. External participants are primarily connected as spectators. The touch display serves as a presentation medium as well as a projection surface for connected participants.

Scenario 2 : The participants are in focus. The camera is directed at what is happening in the room. The camera perspective allows discussion-oriented teaching and learning scenarios to be recorded. External participants can easily enter into the dialog. The touch display serves as a presentation medium as well as a projection surface for connected participants.

Scenario 3: The speakers are in focus. The camera is focused on what is happening on and around the blackboard. The camera perspective allows the recording of lecture-oriented teaching and learning scenarios with blackboard writing. The touch display serves as a projection screen for participants who are thus in the field of vision of the lecturer together with the presence group.

In all scenarios, the arrangement of chairs and tables can be changed as desired. The installed hardware is fixed and cannot be changed in the room.

Important Notes

  • When using the built-in computer, a wireless mouse (non-Bluetooth) is recommended as a replacement for the laser pointer.
  • Digital pointers cannot be used because they require the installation of special software that is not approved by our IT.
  • If you want to use special software for your course (e.g. SPSS, "digital pointers"), please use a separate terminal.
  • Programs from the JGU Software Center or the ZDV applications can be installed automatically on the integrated computer.
  • Only the picture is transmitted via the HDMI cable, whereas the sound is transmitted via the USB cable.


Building Room
Roomnumber Scenario Seats* Mobile Equipment
Alte Mensa -1-153 (links) 1 20
Chemie Süd (Forschungsgebäude Süd) SR 132 01-132 1 40
Chemie Lehre (Lehrgebäude Chemie / Bereichsbibliothek) SR 107 01-107 1 30
Conradgebäude (Binger Str. 14-16)  2-331 02-331 1 28
Forschungs- und Verfügungsgebäude (Czerny-Weg) Kl. Hörsaal Pathologie 1
Georg Forster-Gebäude Soz / IfE 01-511 01-511 1 48
Georg Forster-Gebäude PoWi 02-611 02-611 2 30
Georg Forster-Gebäude BiWi / Publ 02-507 02-507 3 30
Georg Forster-Gebäude Publ 02-701 02-701 2 20
NatMed Seminarraum 2 01-436 1 30
Neubau Physik Minkowski Raum 05-119 1 60
PhysMat (Institut für Physik/Mathematik/Informatik)  5-426 05-426 3 46
Philosophicum P 101 01-411 2 40 Keyboard, display pen and HDMI cable to be requested from the Janitor
Philosophicum P 103 01-423 2 50 Keyboard, display pen and HDMI cable to be requested from the Janitor
Philosophicum P 108 01-461 2 45 Keyboard, display pen and HDMI cable to be requested from the Janitor
Philosophicum P 205 02-445 3 55 Keyboard, display pen and HDMI cable to be requested from the Janitor
Philosophicum P 207 02-463 3 50 Keyboard, display pen and HDMI cable to be requested from the Janitor
FAS Hörsaalgebäude (Germersheim) N 211 1 48
ReWi I RW 5 01-114 2 30 Keyboard to be requested from Janitor
ReWi II HS IX -1- 331 2 40 Keyboard to be requested from Janitor
Taubertsberg III T 6 0-302 1 23

*Normal occupancy

Recording Events

Contact person: Andreas Brückel, Peter Kraft and Markus Ewen

Tel.: +49 6131 39 28245

Duty to Inform and Personal Rights

1. Registration for
In order to record in the LARA lecture halls, you have to register once at with your JGU account.
More information
2. Information obligation
  • Everyone present in the lecture hall, both audience members and other presenters must be informed BEFORE the recording takes place that a recording is taking place.
  • If students do not want to be recorded, they must avoid the posted camera coverage areas and should not speak up.
  • You must inform those present of how to contact the appropriate privacy officer.
  • To start a recorded session, show an appropriate slide via the beamer. You can use our template for this.
  • You are obliged to inform all parties involved about the type, place and period of publication.
  • Recordings are made available via the platform
  • Access to the recording is exclusively subject to your complete control.
  • You can find out which options are available here in our instructions for recording.
3. Compliance with third party rights
Compliance with all copyrights to works captured by the course recording is solely under your control.
Personal rights
  • Every person has the right to his or her own image or likeness, including in course recordings.
  • Under certain circumstances, persons may wish to have images or sound recordings deleted.
  • You are responsible for ensuring that this is done in good time.
Helpful hints:
  • As long as a recording is only published in password-protected areas of the University of Mainz and/or only the participants of your course have access to it, you should generally not expect any problems with copyright violations or recourse claims.
  • As with a written publication, cite sources correctly and do not use third-party works "just" to visually enhance your presentation.
  • Familiarize yourself with the editing options for your recording so that you can delete problematic recordings or passages in a timely manner.
  • If you are unsure, contact the Legal Affairs Office of the University of Mainz

Roomoverview and Manual for Recordings

Building Room Roomnumber Manual
Philosophicum P3 00-151 Manual for P3
Natfak Hauptgebäude N6 00-421 Manual for N6
ReWi I RW1 00-125 Manual for RW1

Help with Technical Problems

We can help you with defective microphones, cameras, projectors and missing connection cables in the centrally managed lecture halls and with the media equipment of the central administration and the ZDV.

💡 The ZDV is only responsible for the lecture halls/rooms already mentioned. They are all listed in the room overviews. The departments are responsible for all other rooms. Please get in touch with the relevant contact person in your department.


Contactperson: Andreas Brückel, Peter Kraft and Markus Ewen

Phone: +49 6131 39 28245