Configuration of VPN for iPad/iPhone

This procedure ist identical for iPad and iPhone:

  1. Open Einstellungen -> VPN.
  2. Tip at VPN hinzufügen (if you already have a VPN configuration for the campus network, please deletet it).
  3. The following window will be shown:

Enter the following data into these input fields:

Typ: IKEv2

Beschreibung: an arbitrary name chosen by you, for example 'Uni-VPN'

Serveradresse und entfernte ID:
for both:
The input field 'Lokale ID' must remain empty.

Benutzerauthentifizierung: Benutzername
Enter your JGU account user name here, followed by (Please note: this is not quite the same as your mail address)
Passwort: your JGU account password

Proxy: aus

Now the VPN connection is established. Tip at Fertig.

Now you may use VPN in addition to your normal internet connection.

To do that, tip at Einstellungen -> VPN and push the Regler next to Status to the right.