ZDV removes "digital contact registration" from the JGU app

Since January 28, there has been no obligation to register contacts in all courses, examinations and other events at JGU. The basis for this is an amendment to the Thirtieth Corona Control Ordinance (30th CoBeLVO) of January 28, 2022.

In the last few semesters, contact details were registered digitally with the help of a system specially developed for the university: In the JGU app, the "digital contact registration" function offered the option of registering for and de-registering from courses. With the announcement of the new regulation, the ZDV team started removing the program from the app and deleting all the data that was still there.

Current information: Currently, the JGU app for Android cannot be downloaded from the Google Playstore. Google temporarily blocked the app. Unfortunately, we are dependent on feedback from Google. The team is working flat out on a solution.

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